Refined details about work

“Everything we sense in the world outside our bodies and everything we sense inside our bodies comes into our brain by way of the sensory nerves. Everything that we do in the world and every movement we make flows out from our brain down the spine by way of the motor nerves. “(Thomas,1988)


Yes, the sensory and motor nerves are the two nerve parts.For me, I ignore the important process from perception to motion. So,I try to refine this. In my work, firstly , I obverse the location and think about what physical movements can suit this position. Then, I use my body to try do it. For instance, when people touch the fire, they do not know the fire’s temperature, they use their eyes to perception and the motor nerves accept the signal to do physical movements. Meanwhile, I connect this step. I bring my personal experience and try to recall the scene and body posture. The earthquake of scene is static, but my work present dynamic. From static to dynamic, I use my imagination and observation. But imagination is lack of a certain amount of strength and authenticity, it is very fragile for imagining action. I have only give the imagination in my work, not with the reality to explore.

After meeting with my tutor, I want refine some movement and body’s action of my work. I read the book, and combine the arguments and the extent of the action to refinement. It makes my body movements more difficult and increases the duration of the action.

Besides the body’s movement, I still insist my ideas to use real candles. Because the light are different from the electronic candles. Meanwhile, I need to think about how to work with real candles. For electronic candles, I had some hold candles and touch candles . But if I hold and touch the real candles, maybe I need to think about the different way.

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